Friday 1 April 2016

Mother Of Devotion

Mother Of Devotion
By Paul McCann

Mother of devotion
You are an inspiration for those who suffer alone
But it is to you that they would always call .

Mother of devotion
Even to the point of surrender
You gave everything
So that a greater love would be seen by all .

Mother of devotion
How wonderful to find your presence ,
To encourage and strengthen us
with the things we have to go through ,.

Mother of devotion
All your love was poured out
only to have seen it abused by those
filled with hatred and bitterness too .

Mother of devotion
Be with all who have lost loved ones
and cannot understand why they have been
abandoned by those they love .

Mother of devotion
Bring hope to those who cannot find their way  
and in the darkness around them
 shine down your light from above .