Tuesday 4 July 2023

Mother Of Eternal Love


Mother Of Eternal Love

By Paul McCann


Mother of eternal love

your are like a mountain always within view ,

there upon a high place ,  I can talk to you.


Mother of eternal love

Everything’s clear to see when you are near.

On that gentle pathway walking without fear.


Mother of eternal love

You’re like an ocean ,  mysterious and deep

undercurrents often sweep me off my feet .


Mother of eternal love

drifting into waters there close by your side,

Always within reach at the ebb of each tide .   


Mother of eternal love

your peaceful presence can calm the stormy sea

you are the lifeline that always rescues me .


Mother of eternal love

With life’s illusion’s you bring reality

falling like sunlight there all around me.


Mother of eternal love

In colours of a rainbow there in the sky

a majestic vision seen with every eye .


Mother of eternal love

You fill the universe in the heavens above ,

with the miracle of your eternal love.
